Member and membership
Any resourceful person can be a registered member of the organization after a consensus approval of the team of office bearers with a minimum initial deposit of Rs.1000 in the proposed account of organization and thereafter minimum Rs.100 per month as monthly subscription either on recurring basis or in advance. The membership is presently restricted to 108.
Tenure / Cessation of membership
  1. Any member shall have option of relinquishing his/ her membership of the organization any time with information to the office, or can nominate another person in his / her place seeking approval of the President or Secretary.

  2. Death of a member shall automatically cease the membership.

  3. Any member who stops monthly contribution of membership of minimum Rs.100/- for a continuous period of 3 months shall also cease to be a registered member and may renew his / her membership after paying the overdue subscription.

  4. The office bearer team, with its majority decision, may suspend or expel any member for his / her misconduct which may not be in the interests of the organization.

Fill the given form to join 108sevak.

Members Of 108SEVAK